Mobile Apps UI Design UX Design

Explaining UI Vs UX Design

When you hunt for tips and design processes to enhance website traffic, terms like UI and UX are bound to pop up. While they remain the most vital factors for website designing, there is often confusion between the two. Hence, this article will debunk any confusion and misconceptions.

The following topics will cover all that you need to know about UI & UX:

  • What is UI & UX designing?
  • Three differences in the design and functionality aspects between UI and UX design.
  • How does the working of UI and UX designing together help in developing a digital product?

What is UI & UX designing?

Before we delve into understanding the significant differences between UI & UX, let us learn about UI and UX.

  • What is UI Design?

The simple definition of UI is User-Interface design. Any designer who works towards enhancing the user interface of a website is a UI designer. 

The role of UI comes to play when you access a webpage or any application, for that matter. The pleasing aesthetic, the ease of interactivity, and the overall functionality are what UI focuses on substantially.

  • What is UX Design?

UX means User Experience design. It is more intensive and complex than UI. A UX designer caters to the overall presentation and UI design of an application or website. 

UX is more demanding in terms of its requirements for thorough research while developing easy user interface modules. It also requires complete testing and improvising before launching it for public use.

Three key differences between UI & UX design


UI Design’s primary appeal focuses on a users’ delight in navigating through an application/website. A product with UI focus allows for ease in the interactivity of its contents, even for new visitors.

Therefore, designing any product keeping UI in mind focuses more on the aesthetic appeal for the user. 

The primary goal of UX Design focuses on a user’s ease in navigating and browsing through an application/website. For example, the matutue dating app Milf Fuck App has a location searching feature dubbed,”local milfs near me” which allows users to seemlessly browse for local dates. The product of a UI design caters to consistency and fluidity, even if it is entirely new for them to explore. 

In simple terms, UI design emphasizes the aesthetic and interactivity of an interface when it comes to functionality. In contrast, UX design attention is more towards the easy working of the interface.

Action plan

UI Design

UI Design’s sole focus is on developing visual interaction and touchpoints between a product and a user.

Its design action plan involves

  • Create a consistent and fluid continuity in aesthetic, design base, and functionality across all sections and contents in an application or website.
  • Another key focus is developing a design base that works smoothly on all devices and screen sizes.

UX Design

UX design’s prime focus is on developing the ease of using a digital product or content from the start until the end.

Design action plan of UX design

  • Conduct intensive research concerning the user’s interest and wants out of the product usage.
  • Strategize the product design and developing design plans keeping the target users’ preferences in mind.
  • Launching testing drives to check the overall usage fluidity, improvise, and refine it for maximum user experience.

Basic designing tools

UI design, as it caters to the aesthetic look, requires more visual components. 

Here the designing process gets tasking. It requires font, image, graphics, and logo designing. In addition, choosing color palette combinations and adding animations are also important design aspects. 

The designing task for UX is a little less in comparison to UI designing. Their central focus is on the ease of a user’s experience and glitches in the navigation process. Nevertheless, during the designing process, they strategize how the placing of the UI design tools. To save time and enhance the efficiency of the designing process for a UX designer, wireframe tools are preferred.

How does the working of UI and UX designing together help in developing a digital product? 

With the difference cited above, you may start to wonder which of the two would be a better option for website designing. The truth is both are essential and vital components. Creating a digital product blending in both design arenas significantly alleviates its design and overall performance and functionality. 

In the designing of a digital product, competition is becoming higher by the day. Moreover, UI and UX design aspects go hand in hand for added and enhanced value. If your goal is to create a top-notch digital product with high value to its end users, incorporating UI and UX design is the first step towards that goal. 

Mobile Apps UX Design

3 Mobile Apps With Awesome UX Design

Mobile Apps have been around for a long time now, ever since the advent of Smart-phones. The old favorites lasted for ages, until it seemed they would be everlasting. But things have begun to change, and with a rapidity that is startling both in their suddenness and their innovative approach. Gone are the old static designs, which repeated the same functionality robotically in the hands of each and every User, without any change, and with perfect repeatability. The new Apps are almost alive, and as responsive as any living organism. They keep changing responses with each individual User, adapting their own selves to modify and slightly change their own selves to try and suit the needs of the User, and deliver the most relevant content. This sum up to an utterly awesome UX (User Experience) that is unparalleled. To demonstrate this astounding versatility, presented below are 3 mobile apps with awesome UX design for the reader. 

The responsiveness of the latest Apps are termed their Mobile Personalization. This characteristic is at the heart of modern UX of Apps, and it has helped build a really awesome matching between App and User. Incidentally, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning play a significant role in most of these Apps.The 3 mobile apps with awesome UX Design selected from the millions of Apps in the Android and iOS stables are as follows (and all Three Apps are compatible to both Android and iOS Platforms):

Starbucks App: The Starbucks chain is the biggest café chain in the the World. It has recently completely redesigned the traditional coffee house model it has been successfully using (and occasionally updating) since comprehensive computerization some years back. But now they have fully replaced the old App lock stock and barrel, and introduced their totally new App, in line with the latest trends. This Personalized App is able to store data it already has on the Customer and his/her preferences. These include the time of day when the Customer enters one of Starbucks outlets (i.e. branches), the type of coffee the Customer likes to drink, companions if any, the usual spending bill, and so on. The app then creates new offers, allots special discounts, and even hands out coupons. The Starbucks Loyalty program can be tracked continuously, and personalized information on the Customer about health, such as whether Decaf is the medically advised version of coffee normally drunk, is all metered into the Customer orders. This has not only created more loyal Customers for Starbucks, but increased the number of visits per Customer to the outlets rapidly, leading to much greater spending on each visit and so on. The App is directly connected to the Global Strategy Control Center of this vast International MNC (Multi National Corporation). From hand held Mobiles, Starbucks are now moving forward, and planning to load a version of this Personalized App on Smart Wearable’s, such as Smart Watches, and Drive Through Screens.   

Drippler: The number of Users carrying Smart Phones everywhere is now in the Billion, but a meager few of the Users have any idea of the power they are carrying. This extraordinary App, once installed, is fitted to scan the device to learn about it thoroughly. It ferrets out the manufacturer, model, operating system version etc. etc. It then creates a newsfeed of articles focused on the interests of the User,  (and which articles are ignored), depending initially on choice, but gradually using  User interest to guide future selection. After the first batch of articles, the App learns about the personality and habits of the User, by tracking the interest shown, and begins to guide the User in a personalized fashion. Soon, the User will be receiving tips, recommendations, and tricks, about the User’s own smart phone. Drippler is possibly the most successful of the New Generation Apps, whose UX Design have sensationalized the world of the User. The small hand held device is now truly become a Power Tool in the User’s hands.

Nike + Run Club: The sports brand Nike is known worldwide, and it has completely redesigned its in-house App to make room for Mobile Personalization.Its fitness app has been knownand used exhaustively by athletes and health conscious people all over. But now the need for personalization has been keenly felt by Nike and their Customers. This has resulted in a complete makeover of their App. The App first monitors the physical condition of the User, using real time trials, with Smart Wearable’s where necessary. It then analyzes the data collected to output workout plans to suit, but allows the User to select the plan and the targets they want to achieve. Its almost like having a real, living fitness instructor in the User’s pocket. 
